
Descripción :

Tubular ceramic membranes ø 10 entirely made of high purity materials. Two geometries are available, correspond to user’s needs. These ceramic membranes allow all operations of separation in Microfiltration, Ultrafiltration and Fine Ultrafiltration. The permeate flux performances, their low hold-up volumes and reduced energy consumption give them unequalled possibilities.

Aplicación :

Bio-technologies such as:

Therapeutic proteins
Bloods and by products, etc…

Beneficios :
  • Only one material: TITANIUM OXIDE
  • Alumina free
  • Very high purity
  • No migration of TITANIUM OXIDE
  • Chemically insensible
  • Sterilization by superheated water, steam or oxidizing agents
  • Autoclavable
Diámetro externo :
Ø 10 L=1178 mm*
Number of channels : Hydraulic diameter : Area (sqm) : Available cut-offs** :
diametre 1 6 0,02 MFT/UF/ Fine UF
diametre 7 2 0,06 MFT/UF/ Fine UF
* Available lengths: 250, 600 et 1020 mm.
** MFT 0,14 µm, 0,20 µm, 0,30 µm, 0,45µm, 0,80 µm, 1,4 µm; UF 15 kg/mol, 50 kg/mol, 150 kg/mol, 300 kg/mol; Fine UF 1 kg/mol, 3 kg/mol, 5 kg/mol, 8 kg/mol.

Productos TAMI Industries